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Washington State CS Education Dashboards (2021-22)

The dashboards in this post can also be found on the data page of the CS for All Washington website.

The 2021-22 Washington CS Education Dashboard arrives less than a month after the 2020-21 Washington CS Education Dashboard. This dashboard is based on the 2021-22 K–12 Computer Science Education Data Summary Report from the Computer Science page of the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

After finding the 2020-21 K-12 Computer Science Education Summary Report in late May, I learned that the 2021-22 data would be released in early July with a similar format. The 2020-21 Washington CS Education Dashboard was an excellent test run for this 2021-22 version, which took less than a day to recreate using the updated data. Starting with the 2020-21 data also provides a baseline to witness the change – and substantial improvement – between the two years:

Metric 2020-21 2021-22
9-12 Students 375,307 390,223
CS Education Enrollments 26,663 (7.1%) 29,869 (7.6%)
High Schools 715 730
High Schools w/ CS 346 (48.4%) 365 (50.0%)
School Districts 275 276
Educators 626 688

CS Enrollments in Washington (2021-22)

The CS Enrollments in Washington (2020-21) dashboard shows how the percentage of CS Education enrollments varies based on:

  • School
  • School district
  • Educational service district
  • State legislative district
  • U.S. Congressional district

CSE Percentage is the main success metric used throughout the dashboard and is the number of “CS Education Enrollments” divided by the number of high school students associated with the entity (school, district, etc.)  The number of “CS Education Enrollments” corresponds to the “Computer Science Enrollments using CIP or State Course Code” column in the Excel workbook associated with the report.   While digging deeper into the breakdown of “CS Education Enrollments” leads to more questions than can be answered through the report, CSE Percentage does provide a solid relative measure of CS education activity within Washington state.

In the “heat maps” of Washington in the dashboard below, larger circles correspond to larger student populations.  In a “traffic light” color scheme, dark red corresponds to none to low CSE Percentages, and dark green corresponds to high CSE Percentages.   In the bar charts, darker hues correspond to larger student populations and the length of the bar represents the CSE Percentage itself.

Based upon the individual data on the 715 high schools listed in the report, 346 (48.4%) high schools had CS Enrollments.   There were 375,307 total students and with 26,663 CS Enrollments for a statewide CSE Percentage of 7.1%

This dashboard can also be found on Tableau Public

Washington CS Ed participation Demographics 2021-22

The State-wide CS Ed Participation dashboard show how different demographic groups participated in CS education throughout Washington state in 2020-21.   The dashboard provides breakdown of student population and CSE Percentage rates for the following demographic groups on a state-wide basis:

  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • English Language Learner
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Income Level
  • Grade

There is a significant difference between the total number of students and number of CSE Enrollments reported through this State-wide CS Education Participation dashboard and the CS Enrollments in Washington dashboard for 2021-22 above.   A similar difference exists in the 2020-21 report. The state-wide participation data in this dashboard was retrieved from the “State” sheet in the report; the data in the CS Enrollments dashboard was calculated based on data from each individual school on the “School” sheet in the report.   These differences are summarized below:

Dashboard Total Students CSE Enrollments CSE Percentage
State-wide CS Education Participation 360,962 30,387 8.4%
CS Enrollments in Washington 390,223 29,869 7.6%

Despite this discrepancy, I still believe that this data is worth reporting as is because CSE Percentage is important as a relative measure between groups.   The 2021-222 K-12 Computer Science Education Summary Report also provides this demographic data on a school-by-school basis but some of this data is suppressed for privacy reasons. Doing a deeper dive into these discrepancies and providing demographic information on a school-by-school basis is a TBD for this project.

Washington CS Ed Teachers 2021-22

As one who is also interested in getting more – and more diverse – Washington state teachers certified/endorsed to teach computer science and increase CS enrollments, I find the above analysis both disheartening and unsatisfying.  Will need to find other data sources and better analyze these to get a fuller picture of CS Educators in Washington state.


Source data and further information on how this dashboard was created can be found on Github